Wall Thickness Gauge


Wall Thickness Gauge

The Wall Thickness Gauge is an option for the MiniLab D machine and consist of two versions. One uses a single non-contact chromatic sensor to measure the wall thickness round glass containers. The other uses a multipoint non-contact chromatic sensor to measure the wall thickness Non-round glass containers. Both versions are servo-controlled and automatically keep the chromatic sensor at optimal distance from the surface during the entire measurement sequence.

Once installed and calibrated, the Wall Thickness Gauge’s will not require any mechanical adjustments. The operator can simply specify the distance from the top or base of the container where the measurements are taken. Up to 10 locations can be specified, each with different diameter and min/max limit values.

  • Fully automated thickness measurements
  • Non-contact using confocal chromatic technology
  • No mechanical adjustments for different container types
  • Provides 360 degrees of measurements
  • Up to 10 location points measured
  • Servo motor control for precise sensor positioning for accurate measurements
  • Uses LED illumination for reliable operation
  • Installs in all versions of MiniLab D machines