Dimensional gauging and weight measurement system
MiniLab D brings state-of-the-art vision technology and accurate servocontrolled handling to precision measurement of glass containers. Using high-resolution cameras and application-specific optics, MiniLab D measures the dimensional characteristics of glass containers.
- Fast and accurate measurements for a variety of critical glass container dimensions
- Two high resolution cameras with telecentric optics provide undistorted container views
- Two collimated light sources defines the container outline
- Optional Wall thickness measurements for either round or non-round containers
- Optional Push up measurement
- Optional Inside finish bore measurement
- Optional FPG module for Flange, Knockout and D-angle measurements
- Measures containers from two production lines without requiring a job change
- No mechanical adjustment at job change
- Servo motors for reliable container positioning and control
- Integrated 21.5” touch display
- Designed for factory floor (online) or laboratory (offline) environments
- Communicates with factory information systems for data gathering, archive, and review of production trends.
Ware range
- Weight - Up to 2275 g [5.0 lbs]
- Height - 40 to 410 mm [1.6 to 16 in.]
- Body diameter - 45 to 145 mm* [1.8 to 5.7 in.*]
- Finish outside diameter Up to 145 mm* [5.7 in.*]
- Finish inside diameter (option) 15.0 to 45.0 mm* [0.591 to 1.772 in.*]
*Maximum body dimension measured is 114 mm [4.5 in.]
*Minimum container height for inside diameter measurement 120 mm [4.7 in.]
Typical Measurements
Bent neck
External body dimensions
Finish dimensions for all finish types
Inside finish diameter
Wall thickness
TNB 133 - MiniLab Statistical Sampling System - FAQ
PDF | 12.08.2024
TNB206 - MiniLab Wall Thickness Gauge
PDF | 12.08.2024
TNB268 - MiniLab Non-Round Wall Thickness Gauge
PDF | 12.08.2024
BR0016RevF - MiniLab
PDF | 12.08.2024