Suggestions for Remedying Container Defects

It is essential that the machine operator be able to identify defects quickly and accurately, and to know how to remedy them. Major defects have been listed, with an accurate description and a sketch indicating the appearance of the defect and the position in the container where it is most commonly found. The causes and remedies for each defect are also listed.

The operator should frequently examine the containers passing along the conveyor from machine to stacker. Approximately once every twenty minutes, but depending on production speed, one container from each mold should be set out and allowed to cool so that it can be handled and thus examined more closely for defects. Don’t waste these containers if they are not faulty and have not been damaged-put them into the lehr.

Before correcting a defect, always remember the following:

1. How many of the particular defects are rejects?

2. If corrected, what other types of defects may be produced as a result of the adjustment made?

3. Only make adjustments when certain it will produce a better container.

For Example:
If a few checks were appearing in the finish, do not immediately reduce settle blow pressure of time, if it is known that the finish or bore will then be outside specification.