The Examination of a Container

A good container is a container that will go through the customer’s filling line without causing any difficulty and will carry his product to the consumer.

It is, therefore, essential that before a container is released for sale from the glass plant, it successfully passes on inspection with standards set to meet the customer’s needs.

There are approximately one hundred defects which can develop in the container during the production process, some beyond the control of the operator, for example stones; but by far the largest number occur either in the feeder or machine operation.

It is important that all production personnel learn to recognize the defects and understand what remedies to use in order to eliminate them.

When a glass container fails on the customer’s filling line because of a manufacturing defect, the reputation of glass suffers, which results in a loss of customer good-will. Always remember; "The Price of a Quality Container is Eternal Vigilance."

Remedies offered hopefully give you a basic understanding of defects and their causes. In some instances, several remedies may be needed to correct the causes.