1. Feeder
  • Foreign matter or contamination in the forehearth channel
  • Cold glass on the feeder plunger or channel walls
  • Not enough heat around the plunger
  • Plunger too low or too high over the orifice ring
  • Plunger rubbing on the sides of the orifice ring
  • Shears cutting too close to the plunger
  • Orifice ring too large for the gob weight
  • Point of the plunger is worn
1. Feeder
  • Drain the forehearth channel
  • Increase the fire in the spout
  • Raiser or lower plunger height and correct gob weight and shape (may need to change orifice ring)
  • Centralize the plunger
  • Lower the shear height
  • Change orifice ring to a smaller one
  • Change the feeder plunger


2. Machine Setup and Operation
  • Hot blanks and plungers


2. Machine Setup and Operation
  • Increase blank cooling and plunger cooling


Note: Furnace glass level is too low