2. |
Setup and Operation |
- Parison
is too cold
- Reheat
time insufficient so that the skin on parison is too cold
to blow out completely
- Pressing
pressure too high
- Glass
under baffle
- Incorrect
setting of baffle
- Distorted
baffle arm
- Badly
fitted lock ring
- Incorrect
timing of baffle mechanism
- Counter
blow too early (blow land blow)
- Plunger
up time too early (press and blow)
- Incorrect
machine differential
- Revert
- Bad
baffle cup on baffle arm
2. |
Setup and Operation |
- Reduce
counter blow
- Increase
reheat time
- Reduce
pressing pressure
- Check
baffle for glass embedded in it
- Check
the setting of baffle
- Check
the baffle arm for squareness
- Check
fit of lock ring
- Adjust
timing of baffle mechanism
- Retard
counter blow time (blow and blow)
- Retard
plunger up time (press and blow) or advance baffle on time
- Advance
machine differential, if possible and advance baffle on